With Dakota Charms! Hey Freshman. Do you really think you have a chance with me, a Senior? I'm way too cool for you and can't be seen with you. Can you hear me you disgusting idiot? Go away. Did you really pull out your dick like a pervert? Eww. You can keep jerking off that cock, because I'm cutting it off. Enjoy because it's your last load. Hurry up because I will snip it before you get your last orgasm. Either way you lose and I win because you won't have a dick to jerk off when you are horny. Girls will laugh at your non-existent wiener. I see you came but your dick and balls are going. OTHER KEYWORDS- castration, gelding, CBT instruction, small penis humiliation, SPH, masturbation encouragement, masturbation instruction, masturbation humiliation, jerk off encouragement, joi, femdom, femdom pov,female supremacy, humiliation, verbal humiliation, brat girls, bratgirls, adult school, uniforms, #Penectomy #CBT #SmallPenisEncouragement #JerkOffInstruction #Femdom @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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