Adriana has been taking advantage of Elizabeth left and right. Every chance she gets, she treats her like a little baby. Unfortunately for her, the tables have turned and its time she get a taste of her own medicine. Elizabeth shows Adriana to her new room - the nursery - and tells her how its her turn to be the baby of the house! Adriana is stripped of her shorts and panties, then told to lay down in the crib so she can be taped into her thick, crinkly disposable diaper. She can't believe what's going on, no way could Elizabeth be serious about treating her like a baby! Before she knows it, Adriana is diapered and is being led by the hand to the high chair. Elizabeth instructs her to sit down, closes her in there and begins grabbing some yummy baby food. Adriana hates sweet potatoes, especially when they are all mashed up like this! But babies have no choice! Elizabeth feeds Adriana spoonful after spoonful of the yucky baby food, warning her that there's something special in this batch. When she's all done, she leaves Adriana in her thick, crinkly diaper and messy self in the high chair so she can think about her current baby state.
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