With Dakota Charms! I'm in a psychological game and trying to get the code to get out of my locked room. The texter in charge says I have to swallow 5 more objects and I agree in resignation. Shoving things into my mouth, I gag while trying to get them down. The new code doesn't work and they demand I swallow the remaining objects as well as the bows in my hair. Balloons taste gross and I don't want to think about where the cash has been. A long tape measure never ends as I get chipmunk cheeks from stuffing it in. Rubbing my stuffed belly as if it were my own, it's sore from being stretched out but I can't help but jump up and down in excitement. Unfortunately there's a last task of swallowing the phone. Desperate, it's impossible despite taking small and large bites. OTHER KEYWORDS- vore, swallowing, eating, struggling, escape fetish, overeating, games, science fiction, sci-fi, balloon stuffing, bloated belly, expansion, body inflation, mindfuck, mind fuck, damsel in distress, submissive woman, submissive women, brunettes, ponytails, DID, #Pica #WomanFollowingOrders #Gagging #Facestuffing #Overeating #FoodStuffing #Challenges @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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