You're settling into your new role in life as My human waste bucket, your sole purpose being to lick My boots clean after I get home from riding each day. You're now living off a new diet consisting solely of mud, soil and dung and coming to terms with your new life. But there's a problem: the last time you licked My boots, you didn't do a good enough job. I warned you if My boots weren't cleaned to a good enough standard, I would trample your face with My boots instead. So that's exactly what I do. Once I've finished punishing you, it's time for you to get on your knees once more and start licking again and you had better do a good job this time! I dish out plenty of extreme, bŕutal verbal humiliation throughout this clip, as I go into graphic details of your new role in life and the consequences you'll face should you fail. Believe Me, you DON'T want to disappoint Me!
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