You have a premonition of an early demise, and keep visiting fortune tellers who only confirm the inevitable. You travelled all the way to Romania to visit this gypsy witch, and while she is displeased with your meagre offering, she reads your palm and looks into her crystal, predicting a violent end for you. She offers you protection and an alternate fate for a greater tribute, saying that she sees a possible future in a foreign land protected by a beautiful maternal figure. She casts her spell on you, and you shrink to the size of 8. She is amused and delighted to see your smaller form, and you're now at breast height, able to easily gaze at her velvet-covered titties. But you are afraid, and say you want to leave. She gets angry and shrinks you further, so you are 5. She teases you by flashing her shaved pussy and big ass in the short velvet gothic dress, because she knows you have the mind and desires of a man. She tells you that she is your new mommy, and this adult awareness will fade with time. Still not happy with your size, she shrinks you to 2, and then finally to a baby. She picks you up, baby talks to you, and holds you to her breast, on her warm lap as she sings you a lullaby. She says she's your new mommy now and she will raise you like a gypsy, and she will keep her promise for you to be safe and to live a long life with her, as her baby, forever. Only you must never remove the bone necklace, or you will expire immediately, turning to a pile of bones and dust as you were destined to be.
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