With Dakota Charms! General, I came as you asked. Um, why do you ask what I'm wearing under my clothes? Yes, I believe in the 2nd Amendment, but this isn't appropriate. No, I don't want to lose my spot and will strip to my flag bikini. Pulling down your pants on command, I shriek in surprise because your penis is so small, but I have to follow your orders. I try to tease and give you dirty talk, but laugh. It's so hard to take you seriously with that small pecker that's the size of my bullets. Did you ever hit puberty? Is this why you overcompensate with the machismo? There's no way I could ever be with someone that tiny. I know your secret and you're going to put me be in charge. If you don't cum at the end of my cum countdown, I'm telling everyone. That load isn't impressive either! OTHER KEYWORDS- small penis humiliation, SPH, woman following orders, male domination, humiliation, masturbation encouragement, masturbation humiliation, jerk off encouragement, jerk off instruction, blackmail fetish, blackmail fantasies, blackmail fantasy, female domination, femdom, femdom pov, military fetish, bikini fetish, brunettes, all natural, #SmallPenisEncouragement #VerbalHumiliation #MasturbationInstruction #JOI #Military @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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