With Dakota Charms! Hello Sargent. It's my duty to stuff my dirty socks in your mouth and make you smell my foot sweat. Your small dick was a disappointment and you get a sock mouthpacking for harassing all of the girls on the base. What are you trying to say? I can't hear over your muffled sounds. Stop trying to gagtalk and let me finish. I snipped a little skin off the top of your dick and fed it to your dog. You can always reattach it if you can find it after he digests it. Your penis is smaller and probably can't pee. I used your scissors and snipped the tip and the shaft until it barely visible and unable to fuck anyone. It will get smaller as the swelling goes down! You'll just stay bound. I'm doing you a favor and saving you from diseases or crazy girls. OTHER KEYWORDS- small penis humiliation, gelding, CBT, female domination, femdom pov, verbal humiliation, size humiliation, bratgirls, brat girls, bandeau bikini, bikini fetish, military fetish, brunettes, all natural, @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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