Our protagonist just got busted by the cops trying to hide pills by swallowing them right before they put her in cuffs. Unfortunately for her, they totally saw her do that. So they lock her up in an empty room with just a chair to sit on and inform her that she's going to be strip searched and will have to wear a diaper to collect the evidence she swallowed. She is obviously repulsed by this, and whines and cries about it, but she doesn't have a choice. After her strip search is complete, she's told they'll need to check her for lice and that it may be necessary to shave her head. After much protesting, she gives in and shaves her head bald and then shampoos the excess hair off her body. Now, she has to put on the diaper. It's so humiliating and uncomfortable- just sagging between her thighs. Unfortunately for her, the worst is yet to come.
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