Today we’re going to have some fun. I want you to get your pillow and hump exactly as I tell you to. A loser like you don’t deserve women. You don’t deserve pussy. No. Turn your pillow into your girlfriend and hump away. This is the closest you’ll get to actually having sex so I hope you really enjoy it. Hump up and down as I mock you and remind you of what a fucking loser you really are. It’s fucked up, but you love it when I laugh at you. You love being ridiculed and humiliated by hot girls like me. Keep humping. Doesn’t it feel so good to hump your pillow girlfriend for me, loser? You can’t get a real woman to have sex with so this is all you get. This is your love life. This is your sex life. Bahahaha. What a pathetic freak. Now cum inside of your pillow girlfriend. Now I want you to catch some z's with your head on your cum stained pillow girlfriend. Bahahaha. Such a loser.
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