My favorite time of year: my birthday. This is a holiday that doesn’t just last one day or week. No. We celebrate ALL month long. I’ll be in Tulum with my toes in the sand on a vacation completely funded by beta bitches like you. Were you one of my good boys who contributed? The month isn’t over, and I still want more. I may already be rich, but my greed is strong. I want MORE beta ca$h…more birthday clip sales, bigger tributes, I WANT MORE. Isn’t it hot how spoiled I am? How I brag to you about all the money men spend on me, yet I still want more…the fact that I’ll always want more…how I use and manipulate you. You love how self-centered I am. I mean….I’m amazing. I know I’m the center of your world. And why wouldn’t I be? I’m young, hot, powerful, and demanding….and you? You’re just so weak and in love…ready to hand over more ca$h to me. It’s hilarious that men go broke for me. That you sit at home in the dark eating crackers so I can travel the world.
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