With Dakota Charms! I forgot I partially transformed you and left you in a cage. Sometimes I get distracted, but can finish now. You were mean to me and I will finish transforming you into a cat. You're ears are coming in and match your tail. You're going to be a soft kitty when your fur comes in. Meow for your new owner. I love your whiskers and paws but we're going to declaw you. You're going to get a collar, name tag and catnip! If anyone notices you're missing, they will never suspect that you're a pussy cat. No hissing because I will put you on the streets and it's not safe out there. OTHER KEYWORDS- transformation fantasies, transformation fantasy, magic control, female domination, femdom, femdom pov, schoolgirls, school girls, bratgirls, revenge, braids, pigtails, ponytails, brunettes @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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