Princess Dragina is all signed up for her outdoor competition and she only has a few months to practice and learn new survival skills before she will be put to the test. In order to properly document her entrance into the competition, Dragina brings along a couple cameramen on her adventure. Preparing for the Naked & Afraid Fetish Addition is important and Dragina decides taking a trip out to the woods for some primitive fire building practice is in order. Having been taught the basics it is time to put her skills to the test. Dragina knows how to build a good fire, whether it's a bonfire, smoker fire or a fire for the grill. She's got you covered. However starting a primitive fire is a bit more tricky. Gathering all the necessary supplies Dragina begins by breaking down the kindling for the perfect base. Building up her base to the right height. There seems to be plenty of kindling around for her to utilize. Once her fire bed it formed she moves on to the task of creating a spark. No accelerant, no matches, no lighter. Just a flint and steel set. Scrapping sparks proves harder than originally anticipated. Determination wins as smoke starts to roll off the pile. Flames follow as a proud Dragina displays her creation.
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