With Luna Lain! A bridal gown lays on the floor and small movements can be seen as I fill it out. I knew my plan would work and I would revive powerful and strong. Now that I'm resurrected, I need to find the hunter who tried to off me. There you are. We can still get married because I know you can't resist me in this wedding dress. I may be the undead, but my skin is warm and my lips sweet. Come closer. How could you put a cross near me? Why would you try to make me melt? Slumping to the floor, I moan in agony as I melt into nothing! OTHER KEYWORDS- vampire fetish, transformation fantasy, erotic magic, magic control, roleplaying, role playing, melting fetish, female domination, femdom, femdom POV, female supremacy, bride fetish, bridal fetish, aliens & monsters, DID, Luna Laine, Luna Lane, redheads, red hair, all natural, #Vampires #TransformationFantasies #TransformationFetish #DamselInDistress #Struggling @LunaLainXX This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at LunaLainModeling at g m a i l dot com
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