Available as stream only on MV. Find on other sites at FULL PRICE for downloadable option. Clip is 7 mins and 45 seconds In this clip I have a lavender bob wig on, dark lipstick and a spiderweb painted on my face. Lots of sensual domination CLIP INCLUDES: -PURPLE HAIR -DARK LIPSTICK -ALIENS AND MONSTERS -GREEN SCREEN -SENSUAL DOMINATION -FEMDOM -SOFT VOICE -HALLOWEEN -GOTHIC -TEASE -LIP FETISH -TONGUE FETISH -CLEAVAGE -PASTIES -TIT SHAKING - You appear in the spider queen's web...She scares you but shes also inviting with her soft voice and teasing ways. "Does the spider lady frighten you? Dont be frightened...If I wanted to eat you...I already would have. ha ha ha..." "Still so frightened huh? Ha...humans. They dont understand anything different from them. It looks like you might be too scared and close minded to be a par of my ranks...Oh have I intrigued you? Well then... Just look into my eyes..." You suddenly feel at peace, not scared anymore....Did she mesmerize you or something? "You feel that way because I have power....I could give YOU power and control too If you open your mind..." "Watch my lips...my beautiful luscious lips. Have you suddenly forgotten about that web your tangled up in? Do you love my voice? Do you want to be the spider ladys minion? Her sex slave? To bow to me? to serve me?" "Now...are you ready to see the most mesmerizing thing of all?" She says as you start to see her cleavage as she pulls her top down...She reveals her big tits with shiny spider web pasties on and tassles. "Just watch my big luscious tits. This is how I trap and enslave men...and how I have for generations!" She shimmies and jiggles her tits and does burlesque tricks with the pasties/tassles. "Are you ready to be enslaved willingly? Because your so utterly entranced by me. I cant wait to enslave ALL men in my web." "I now own you...I can do whatever I want with you."
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