Angel has challenged Arielle to hardcore wrestling match to see who the better fighter is. Arielle agrees but only on one condition that there is no punching or kicking to the groin. Angel says deal and shake hands. Arielle starts off aggressive by kicking Angel in the stomach. Angel bends forward to grab her stomach then Arielle knees Angel in the face. Angel falls to the ground on her back from the hard blow to the head. Arielle then drops down on Angel and begins to chokeher blue. Angel knows she about to lose this match and begins to panic. In a desperate state, Angel knees Arielle right in between her legs. The blow hits Arielle so hard it causes her eyes to roll in the back her head as she moans from the pain. Angel strikes Arielle again with multiple knee strikes to Arielle’s cunt before Arielle falls off and lets go of Angel's throat. Angel knows this has pissed off Arielle but Arielle never said anything about knee strikes to the groin. Only kicks and punches. Angel delivers a few more blows to Arielle’s cunt before Arielle grabs her by the throat again. They both roll around on the ground kneeing each other in the cunt. Arielle finally gets a good shot to Angel’s cunt that causes her to roll-up in little ball grabbing her crotch. As Arielle slowly gets up with her back turn against Angel. Angel gets ups and delivers a hard kick to Arielle’s cunt from behind. This changes the match from hardcore wrestling to a hardcore cunt busting match. Includes knee strikes the groin, kicks from behind standing up, counter kick moveschoking, pussy grabbing/squeezing to get out of beingchoked, multiple hits to the groin repetitively, rolling around on the ground, close up of knee strikes, different angles of being kicked in the groin. Related Categories: CAT FIGHTING, CROTCHABUSE, FEMALE WRESTLING, POWERFUL WOMAN, STRONG WOMEN Keywords: arielle lane, angel lee, cunt busting cuntbusting, cunt destruction, cat fighting, female fighting, barefoot fight yoga pants, crotchabuse uppercut, female wrestling, eye crossing rolling, pussytorture, big tits, ass kicking, punching, pain Related Categories: CAT FIGHT / CATBALL, CUNT BUSTING, FEMALE WRESTLING, HUMILIATION, LESBIAN DOMINATION Keywords: arielle lane, angel lee, cunt busting cuntbusting, cat fighting catfighting, cat fight catfight fight, female wrestling, female fighting, lesbian domination, humiliation, karate punching kicking, legs yoga pants duel, trash talk verbalabuse, barefoot soles foot feet, bare feet foot fetish, hair pulling
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