PRINCESS SHELBY MAKES A GUY CUM 3 TIMES!!! AGAINST HIS WILL....DESPITE HIS PLEAS FOR MERCY!!! Shelby "seems" like a sweet little Princess.....but....BEWARE!!! Shelby is one mean cock milking Bitch Princess!!! Shelby welcomes this guy to The Jerky Girls Princess Massage Parlor, as She blows pretty bubbles. Nothing to be afraid of....right? She tells him that She must ties his arms down before they begin (that should have been his first clue). Once the victim is securely tied down...Shelby tells him "I'm a Princess....but I'm also a Cocksucker". With that....Shelby sucks him off!! What a lucky day, he is thinking! Shelby sucks his cock until he cums in Her mouth....and he thinks he has gone to Heaven. But....Shelby informs him that his ordeal is just beginning!! "I'm gonna make you cum again" She says, as She gets out a vibrator. He tells Her that he won't be able to cum again....but She ignores him...and works the vibrator right on the head of his cock, until he spews again!!! He is exhausted. Shelby casually tells him that She is going to pull another one!!! He begs for mercy....but She is persistent. Shelby strokes his sore, tired cock....telling him "I say you WILL cum again...and the Girl is always right". Sure enough...as he cries and whimpers....Shelby yanks out a third....huge....powerful....painful.... Orgasm!!! Never trust a Princess!!! This guy tells Shelby She is the meanest Girl in the World. To which She simply replies...."thank you".
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