Penny as a helpless damsel in distress--in a state of undress! With my mouth duct taped and clad in white frilly ankle socks, a sheer blue lace thong and a tight, white straight jacket, I whimper and writhe as I'm shoved into a pool of icky, cold yellow gunge. My humiliation is only increased with bright blue slime poured over my cute bare belly, ruining the straight jacket and splashing over my hair and face. Special attention is paid to my crotch even as I try to cover it in vain before giving up and succumbing to the gunge, spreading my thighs wide for more. Eventually my glasses fall off and I'm blind to my punishment, rolling around and desperately trying to get myself free so I can get out of the nasty gunge! My tight thong goes see-through, and so does the white bondage jacket as one of my bare breasts breaks free and is exposed. Will I manage to escape my bondage before the humiliation and the gunge completely overwhelms me, or will I lose to the lure of the thick slime? Find out here!
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