This pendant isn't magic; it's simply here to help you focus. I want you to focus deeply. I want to speak to you...deeply. First, a gentle and basic romantic induction. I will take you to that white, open place that is light and dark all at once. I will clear your mind. I will cleanse your body through your breath. I will make your eyes heavy and your mind obey. Once you are under My spell, I will repeat phrases and truths to you in a way that only I can. I play with your emotions like shells in the sand. I paint upon that blank canvas with My intentions and My condemnations. I will not let you forget for one moment that you are worthless. I leave you with gently-placed triggers that will bring you back to the violent comfort of My poison tongue. They will evoke all the feelings of worthlessness I have planted inside of you. They will make you hard without your permission. Join Me, bitch, for a human sacrifice of your ego. For the funeral of your self-worth. For the seduction of your existence. This is more than a "loser mantra." This is a mind melt. This is a psychological unraveling. This is a mind fuck. I am going to hurt your fucking feelings. If you need an antidote, in case of emergency psychological damage, get it here: CONSTRUCTIVE REPROGRAMMING
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