With Dakota Charms! I snuck into the boys locker room so I could smell your gym bag. We should connect because I'm the head cheerleader and you're the best football player. Take down your pants because we are destined to have sex. Don't worry, I will love you no matter what! Eww, I wasn't expecting that, but we can work make this work. I will fuck whoever I want since that penis is so small and you can be with whomever you want because nobody will even want to fuck that. We're going to have the title of most popular couple, but I don't want anyone important learning about this embarrassing secret. Are you jerking off? I know you look under my skirt when I'm cheering. I got the smallest uniform to show off my ass. Jerk off with that tiny pecker as I twerk my booty, but know you're never screwing my pussy. You can lick, but I'll fuck the other players. Jerk it harder. I'm glad you got that cum out of you and we should make our relationship official! OTHER KEYWORDS- small penis humiliation, SPH, small penis worship, humiliation, verbal humiliation, cuckholding, masturbation encouragement, masturbation instruction, masturbation humiliation, jerk off encouragement, dirty talk, dirty talking, bratgirls, brat girls, female domination, uniforms, costumes, costume fetish, cosplay, cheerleader fetish, cheerleaders, pigtails, ponytails, pawg, white booty, big butts, ass fetish, ass tease, ass worship, booty shaking, ass shaking #Femdom #JOI #FemdomPOV #JerkOffInstruction #SmallPenisEncouragement @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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