Playing computer games is so much more fun than tidying my room, it's a no brainer, right? I know where everything is so I like can't understand why Daddy is so cross. He keeps going on and on about it, maybe it's like cos he's so old. He must be like at least thirty something and we all know that's old, right! Anyway when he takes his belt off I think like his trousers are going to fall down but poor me he's got other ideas on how to use that nasty thick belt. It's not fair I've only got a girly soft bottom and now Daddy says I've got to learn a lesson and have my bottom strapped for letting my room get into such a state. Soon that doubled up belt is coming down with an awful thwack on my cheeky bottom, time and time again. Ouch ouch ouch my smarting behind is on fire until I promise to be a good girl and tidy my room. I'm going to get my own back though tomorrow and play on the computer all day while Daddy's at work. Te He ... Do you want to come out to play?
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