The Graverobber is up to his usual scheme, exhuming bodies to sell to whomever for for whatever purpose, and any and all valuables they're buried with. On this particular outing, however, a particular piece of jewelry catches the Graverobber's eye on a particularly alluring body- and they make the mistake of touching the amulet. While driving to make their delivery, the body in the back awakens and summons her fellow Lich. The Graverobber, completely oblivious, opens up the back to get to work on the body, only to be pulled in by the Lich queens. The driver is paralyzed by their magic and consumed, but before the Graverobber is granted the gift of their own eternal rest, the Liches need to harvest one more ingredient for their spell- a vial of cum- and they need their new edible fucktoy alive for that. Starring- Johnny Starlight @MsStarlightXXX Casey V @CaseyVxxx Lux Lives @LuxLives A collaboration with Paranormal Perversions- @ParaPerv
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