I've discovered porn on your company laptop. Do you think this is a productive use of your time and my resources? What if I sent your little collection to your wife? What would she think? I have two choices...I can fire you or I can keep you. If I keep you, I own you...every inch of you including your cock. I need a new personal assistant anyway but there are some exact duties you would need to perform. Do you agree? Do you want to keep your job? Then do everything that I ask. Start by getting naked and showing me that cock I now own and how you used it on company time. I know you want me...I know I'm the reason for your porn collection. I'm so much hotter than your small tittied pathetic wife. Let's seal the deal...sit back while I climb on top of you and enjoy my new toy. But don't cum before I do or you can walk right out the door to unemployment.
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