This is a vlog I made in 2016, offering my two cents on some of the entitled men I deal with. Big thanks to all of the considerate individuals out there who actually respect and support sex workers! You make it all worthwhile.
This was the first video I ever watched of Miss Faith's it brought a lot of things to light. Things that I had never thought about but should have. Re-watching this is just as good as the first time... Thank you Mistress.
I can only imagine how common this is for women in this line of work, and you offer a lot of femdom content on top of that, and subs tend to be super thirsty MFers -_- I for one will keep purchasing, this isn't Tindr or OKCupid LOL, ie not a dating site, and hope to some day be lucky enough to BS with you on a live stream or something while throwing out tokens <3 (if you do that sort of thing). Probably buying Pimping You Out next >_> Thank you for what you do!
Those kinds of guys are a trifecta of 1) delusional because they think that con of "lets be friends" will somehow get them free content one day, 2) egocentric because they think you agree with them that porn is beneath you, and 3) delusional because guys have tried the same con over and over again and try it as if they were first ones to think it up. When I see guys do this, I weep for our species future.