Ramble on: Perhaps the most glorious and validating moment of my short but strange life. My favorite youtube comedian is none other than CommentEttiquete, Internet Comment Etiquette, "SALVIA ERIK" (sometimes known as The Amazing Salvio, big Money Saliva, and Crib Def.) In his much earlier youtube years *SHOUTOUT TO 2k12 I WISH THE WORLD HAD ENDED* he was known for his simple short films of himself smoking Salvia and attempting to do things like gardening, or even take the car out for a ride. However, Salvia Divinorum is an INCREDIBLY intense, disassociating, psychedelic plant (though it is known to be safe, and was legal at the time to purchase at headshops. -____-) ANYWAY he got his name "Salvia Erik" or "The Salvia Guy" this way, as he would take a few inhalations of the plant and before putting the keys in the car, or picking up his gardening equipment he'd be on the floor in a daze for about five minutes, return to a regular state from an incredibly powerful trip and continue the video in a shaky voice; "and...thats how you, garden on Salvia...." for example. We can argue, but I found it to be comedy gold and when he made his new project/channel "Internet Comment Etiquette" (Teaching he internet how to leave polite and respectful comments on youtube videos, as there is an epidemic of 6-year-olds with Ipads at this time in our history.) What can I say, he's my comedy hero, and always has been. You can imagine my ultimate success and completion of all life's goals when he not only showed "the class" a tweet of my tits in a pineapple print bikini due to the fact that it was declared "pineapple summer" (if you're getting confused GOOD haha!) As if that was not enough he also made my joke into a photoshopped masterpiece of Scott Baio as an asparagus. I really should have the link to the Tweets from the Class Episode but I feel it was number 17 or something...whatever.
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