With Dakota Charms! Wearing my strap-on like a man, I stroke my dildo under my fuzzy pajama pants and love how soft the fabric is. It stands erect as my hands stroke the head, shaft and balls. Moaning, I watch as you masturbate with me and use both hands. Exposing my dick, I rub a velvet blanket up and down. Cumming hard, I clean the tip and put my pajama bottoms over my cock. OTHER KEYWORDS- fetish clothes, pajama pants, sensation play, sensual play, cum in pants, chicks with dicks, masturbation, solo masturbation, strap-ons, orgasms, female orgasms, brunettes, dark hair, #StrapOns #POVStrapOns #FetishClothing #SoloFemale #Dildos @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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