Hello boss. You wanted to see me? Oh thats right. I've been late for work pretty often. What are you saying? Hm your going to fire me. I cross and uncross my legs. You seem surprised I'm not nervous. But I'm not losing my job. In fact, I'm taking yours. I know your secret. You are not so tough. In fact, your very submissive. Your like a little boy inside. Just talking to you in this authoriative tone has you looking weak. All I have to do now is snap my fingers . Your already sliding into trance. Perhaps feeling very dependent and needy. I'm counting backwards now which will bring you even deeper... Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just listen to my instructions. Its time you took off those clothes. No need for manly clothes like that. I enjoy telling you what to do. You are so weak under my spell. And for the real surprise. I have something here for you. A big, colorful abdl diaper! Its even got unicorns on it. So cute and babyish. Thats what you are darling. How does it feel to be diapered by your secretary? Time for lunch. Don't worry, I'll be back to change you. But first, I'll take some pictures of you. I'm sure everyone will love seeing there bitchy boss in a diaper. Now suck on this pacifier and be a good baby. I'm back with a pink blankie and a fresh diaper for you. Time to check your pampers. Aw someone is wet. I can't help but take my sweet time before changing you. Slowly taking off my satin blouse and dangling my heels. You seem so uncomfortable, sitting in a wet, cold diaper. I rub the fresh one along my pantyhose making you squirm. You were so rude before. So of course I'm enjoying this. But don't worry, mommy will change you. After all, your my baby boy now!
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