What is this!? I come home from school and there you are little shrunken doll man out of your dollhouse. I've told you what will happen if you do that, haven't I? That's right I'm going to give you a spanking just like mummy and daddy do me when I'm bad. Thwack! Thwack! That's what you get for being naughty. Oh fine let's play a game instead. How about I'll close my eyes and count to ten and if you can get away and hide for one whole day I'll make you big again? Let's play. 1,2,3...10! You didn't get very far! That's no fun so let's play again. I've dressed you up in all these cute outfits and you still act rotten. I don't think you really want to get away because you had a good chance! It's back to the dollhouse for you.
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