It's plain and simple. You're my slave, I own you therefore you will worship my ass. Nothing complicated. Just simple expensive ass worship. You love my ass so much and always want to kneel and kiss and serve my ass. It's so big and juicy how could you not? You will edge while I instruct you to stroke your loser dick for me. You don't get to cum unless I give you permission. Of course I'm going to tease you and drive you crazy until you feel like you're going to explode!! make sure you don't disobey and cum early or Goddess will punish you. You must tribute afterwards because that is what loser slaves do. And you are in fact a loser slave. Now get on your knees, grab your dick and start worshipping my perfect Goddess ass GOOD BOYS WILL USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MARKUP CODES: +50%=God25909 +100%=God56333
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