Patti is on the bench, she's got a big ol' smile on her face. That white dress glowing in the light. Fuckin' is the universal language so the guys get right down to it. The lift that skirt and get to munching on her pussy as she fills her hands and mouth full of cock. The guys all rotate round and round, fucking her as she's on her back. We also found out our very own Randy Denmark speaks a bit of German. We also think he has a bit of a crush on Patti. He makes his way in and he has himself some fun, dropping the first load in her triumphantly! Who knew? As they guys keep going around taking her in different positions we can hear that getting real quiet thing she talked about in the interview.. that's how we know she's cuming. So throughout you'll hear little patches where she's completely silent. That's cause she's in ecstasy! It's a good thing Patrick is around, he see's a slight lull in the action. He knows how much his lady loves creampeis, and he also knows a couple of tricks. He gets almost his whole hand in her pounding her freshly filled pussy. She goes WILD, it take a couple Cocksmen to keep her on the bench and soon she's leaking like a faucet, squirting all over the place. The guys continue to pound her, filling her pussy. After each deposit she scoops it up, or pulls it out and just devours the cum, all smiles while doing so. As the guys start to come to the end of their stamina (and we can't blame them). A still horny Patti asks about Mitts cock. "You've only held the camera," she says. It takes Mitt every bit of .02 seconds to hand the camera off and get going. He goes all out HAM, pounding that pussy like he's had to watch 4 of his closest friends drop loads in this chick all day... He gives her a big ol creampie as he's known for, then gives her a taste off his cock. We finish her up as the guys take turns getting a couple more pumps in, then Patrick drops a huge load all over her forehead before he pounds her filled pussy for another minute or so. As we leave, again nothing but smiles. What an amazing slut.
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