Victoria Summers is wearing a pet cone around her neck. She is nude and has a collar and chain on too. She has a bowl of water she is trying to quench her thirst. Without much luck as the cone keeps getting in the way. She is on all fours and we use 2 cameras to capture the scene. She tries to sip from the drips of water from her finger tips that she has dipped into the water. She keeps trying to remove the cone, but to no avail. She pauses and then has another go at taking water from her finger tips. She gets down low to lap up the water, but ends up pushing the bowl along the floor. Very amusing! She lays down by the bowl and still no joy. So she decides to pick up the bowl. But that doesn't end well as all the water runs down her body and onto the floor. Poor Victoria never got that water. Shot in HD 1080p using two high end DSLR cameras with separate high quality audio.
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