-Personalized Custom Clip. No names mentioned.- Could you please make a clip focused on the intimidation and shame I instinctively feel when in the presence of a woman and how it's in the best interest of all women that I stay that way. Pretty much all my life I’ve been a shy, awkward person ESPECIALLY around women. I’m so desperate for a girlfriend that they can sense it a mile away. But women hate my personality. Every interaction I have with a female I can tell I’m annoying her and she just wants the conversation to end. I can’t help it I get so nervous and anxious, I start stuttering, and I don’t know where to look or what to say. I have no confidence and no self-esteem and women can sense this about me the moment they see me. I’m boring and unattractive and women generally treat me with annoyance or disgust. I am a virgin and have gone my whole adult life never touching a woman. Please talk about how I'm trapped in a never ending cycle because when women find out how gross and unattractive/undesirable I am, they make sure to treat me like just to damage my confidence even more, and solidifying myself as a loveless lonely loser creep for life. I am addicted to cruel verbal humiliation so please be as mean as you want.
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