When he arrived for the massage he wasn't sure what to expect. The price was a little higher than a normal massage, but the place looked legit. The Asian masseuse asked him to lay face down on the massage table. She covered him with a towel and began massaging his back. After a while she was massaging his legs and working up towards his butt. While the towel was still covering his ass, she noticed that his cock was visible below the towel. She began teasing him around his butt and down towards his balls. She brushed against his cock, but did she mean it? After that, she removed the tower and again teased and rubbed his balls and cock. She asked him to turn around and lie face-up. Again her massage focused on the top of his legs. She lifted the towel slightly and his cock was clearly exposed. His face was covered by a towel so he couldn't see what was happening but she started to touch herself. Maybe she got horny when she saw his exposed cock. She climbed onto the table and started sucking his cock. Next she climbed up onto his hips and started grinding, trying to put his dick inside her. When his cock went inside her pussy, she immediately began riding it. He felt her slim, firm body as the masseuse slid up and down his cock. When she thought he was about to cum, she stopped riding and decided she would edge him to climax. She teased and sucked and licked around the head of his cock. As his pleasure was building she would make her contact light; maybe just a flick of her tongue on the head. Finally, he went over the point of no return and cum started pouring out of his cock, running down the shaft. This was by far the best massage he had ever had in his life!
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