This is a little blackmail clip I made for one of My slaves who failed Me. I demanded he pay for My $1000 hotel suite, but he didn’t follow through. See… this slave has an inner conflict… he knows he’s a loser, but sometimes he really struggles with just accepting it. Well this clip will help, because I’ve decided to out him to the entire world. I list his name, and reason after reason after reason as to why he’s just a HUGE failure as a “man.” He is just a loser cuckold, and that’s all he will ever be. Real men get to enjoy Me in ways he could never even DREAM of. So instead of wasting his life wishing he could be a real man, he needs to just accept his place as a lowly cuckold who gets to pay hot girls like Me to enjoy real men… on his dime! Oh, and this clip cost him $350, and I’m still going to make him purchase it from one of My stores… actually.. he’s going to purchase it from ALL My stores. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
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