Well this was fun. The ever so perfectly gorgeous Logan is trying to free himself from being roped to the chair. Well...the word "trying to" is the biggest understatement of the year. He is relentless. He's roped to the chair by his ankles and wrists. There's a ball gag in his mouth. He vigorously AND rigorously (I couldn't decide which of those two words to use. They both are pretty accurate so I'll leave both of those words in. lol) tries to free himself. At first it seems like it's in vain and that he's not going to free himself. Until he knocks himself over in the chair. Then he flips on his stomach, still tied to the chair, and manages to get a wrist free. DOH! He got out. We'll have to hogtie him next time. Ha ha hahhhh (in my evil laugh). ;)
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