Notice anything different about me lately? I've been wearing a lot more low cut blouses, push up bras, stockings, boots into the office lately. I know that you have noticed. You've hardly been able to get any work done around here. In fact, your job performance in the last month is so poor that I have little choice but to fire you. Oh, you need this job? Are you sure? It seems you'd rather sneak off for long bathroom breaks to jerk yourself off than be at your desk. Don't worry, when you're unemployed you'll be able to jerk off all day long. You want to make a deal with me? I don't think you're in any position to make any deals here. Ill let you keep your job on one condition. You'll need to show me that you've changed. That you're not the perverted disgusting little horn-dog I think you are. If you can strip down, fully naked right now, and sit still without touching your dick for ten whole minutes, you'll keep your job and I wont tell anyone about your nasty little jerk-off habit. So, tell me. How do my sexy boots look today? How about this blouse? My bra? My stockings? My panties? What about whats underneath? Remember, your job is at stake here. All you have to do is hold perfectly still, on your knees in front of me. You are teased and tormented right out of your job, loser.
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