With Dakota Charms! Santa! I admit to being naughty and having accidents in my diaper but I want to sit in your lap and play with your fluffy beard. It's a good thing I'm wearing a nappy because I don't want you to feel my warm accident on your knees. Touch my booty as I shake the diapee in front of you and rub it in your lap. Can you smell my aroma as I waft it in your direction and smush it in. You're going to smell just like me! OTHER KEYWORDS- diapers, ABDL, nappy fetish, nappies, confessions, sweater fetish, age regression, ageplaying, age playing, littles, lap dancing, toilet fetish, toilet humiliation holiday2018 @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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