With Dakota Charms! Do you want to touch, massage and lick my feet as your Christmas present? My wrinkled soles go in your face and I moan as you suck the blue toenails. I see you looking at my pregnant belly and I alternate between rubbing my stomach and wiggling feet. Your tongue licks my soft soles and you're so good at pleasing my toes. It makes me wet to turn you on with my feet and I lay on my big tummy so you can see the soles over my head. Bringing them back for a taste, your wet tongue feels so good. Wiggling my preggo belly in your face, I can't decide if I want to have more foot worship! OTHER KEYWORDS- bare foot, bare feet, foot fetish, foot worship, pov foot worship, foot tease, foot play, soles, foot wiggling, toe wiggling, pregnancy, big bellies, belly fetish, abs, bloated bellies, cock tease, cocktease, brunettes, bow fetish, body worship, holiday2018 #BloatedBelly #Feet #Pregnant #Barefoot #WrinkledSoles @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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