VANESSA CATCHES HER BROTHER BEATING OFF TO HER IN THE SHOWER...SINCE HE HAS THE HOTS FOR HER...SHE CHARGES HIM $100 TO FUCK THE STUFFING OUT OF HER!!! While she is taking a shower...Vanessa makes a startling discovery!! Her Brother Danny is spying on her....and Jerking Off!! Vanessa decides to confront her Brother....and rub his nose in the fact that he, obviously has the Hots for her!! As it turns out...Vanessa is $100 short for a trip she has been saving for...so, knowing that Danny wants to fuck her....she offers him the chance.....for $100! Danny accepts the offer......after all....even though Vanessa is his Sister....she is also the hottest girl he has ever seen!!! Vanessa lets her smitten Brother pound her cunt really hard, until he cums all over her. Slightly disgusted....yes....but Vanessa can now afford her vacation!!!
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