You can't enough me or my big tits. You try to be a good man and stay away from the internet porn..... but you just can't help it. You are crazy about me and my big tits..... my magnetism knows no bounds. I am everything you wish you were wife or gf would be. She is bland and boring. She is content being a plain jane.... you wish she would at least put some make up on and wear a sexy outfit once in a while. You've tried everything with her..... buy her lingerie, take her out on dates, offer to pay for breast implants.... she never wants to wear the lingerie your hard earned money bought her, she rather watch netflix than get dressed and go out, and breast implants.... she looked at you like you were insane. I don't even know you and I am more concerned with keeping you happy than your significant other is. I am always made up, in the mood, and smiling. I can't wait for you to once again sneak away from your nag of significant other and give me that load that she wouldn't appreciate like I do.... *Filmed with a 4k logitech webcam and I do get topless*
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