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Samantha Hayes1209


Samantha Hayes avatar



Comments (16)

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hello, could you dm for a custom :)
Hey would love a custom, please dm
Hello, I was wondering if we can discuss custom video if possible?
Hi can u msg me about a custom please hunny xxx?
Hi, could you PM me about a custom video?
Hi Sam did u get the hotpots in the post it was me who sent them to you hunny xxx
Hi there, could I please check if you still have the green button cardigan I've seen you wear in a clip. It has buttons on the cuffs. If so, do you still wear it? I'm thinking of a possible clip with you wearing it. I Thank you very much
Hi, can you write to me about an idea for a custom? Thanks
Kain23 @Kain232 years ago
can you hit me up so we can discuss a possible custom
Mindman @Mindman2 years ago
Could you message me for a custom? :)