Diaper change in the woods

Candy Flipp

American / Lollipop Woods, Candyland
●●●●○ 4.0 (1 review)

(Sorry about the autofocus noise, it was our first time trying to use our Nikon for filming!) Candy is playing in the woods trying to balance on a log when she has the urge to go pee. She starts peeing herself and realizes that she didn't have a diaper on. Uh-oh, she soaked her cute Hello Kitty panties! Good thing Daddy packed a diaper bag hehe. She wipes herself off then lotions and powders her little pussy and bum really well before choosing a Rearz Princess Pink diaper to put on. All changed and dry, she shows off her cute princess diaper butt and wiggles around. She loves wearing diapers outside! :)

madman965 deleted Jun 2016

loved the part were she starts peeing in her cute panty