Custom: "You say you want to be my stroker boy so bad, yet still haven't earned the title stroker boy yet. Their are other addicts that spend more and do more for me, but you want to be the one that strokes to me the most. You'll jerk to me every chance you get. Wake up early to stroke to me, before work, Stroke to me on my break. Stroke to me as soon as i get home. Clip binge when you get home and spend hours stroking. I'll send messages telling you it is time to stroke and you have to drop everything and find a place to jerk. You have to write on a t shirt "Please let me be your stroker boy Celia! There is nothing i want more!" Then send a picture to me. You have to moan this every time you stroke. You tell me to stroke my life away to you. Be a good stroker boy."
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