You started being under the effect of the Lady Mesmeratrix substance right after you clicked buy on this video which will let you embark in a tripping dimension in which you won't see just one Lady Mesmeratrix but several. You are going to see so many versions of myself that you won't understand who is real, who is not... maybe all of them are and your mind can't help but getting dizzy. I can't blame you, the Lady Mesmeratrix substance is the strongest you will ever try... You can't escape from it once you tried it once, you will always crave for more. You won't be returning to normality, you will find out that I am everywhere... whenever you blink, you'll see me, whenever you are, I am there... I am running through your veins, you can't keep me away from you because I am circulating everywhere inside of you: from your brain to your heart all around your whole body. Surrender and get more of me.
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